Just a spoonful of sugar
Well, well, the green taxis are back. But I think this is enough about the mysterious transport system in Beibei, otherwise you can see what my blog will quickly turn into. "Now you see 'em, now you don't. Now you see 'em, now you don't..."
This week I once again had the opportunity to experience the hospitality of the local health service. A stomach bug found it's way to my system, and after a full day of being sick and having a high fever, I decided it was time to take a taxi to the hospital. There, after a nice prick into my finger for a blood sample, I was put straight into the normal routine: safely tucked under covers and with an IV hooked to my arm. No matter how drastic it might sound to us not used to it, it is a very quick and effective way to get the medicine into the system.
And all the while, I was taken care of by a lovely, motherly, round and smiling nurse, who made sure I wasn't cold and put a pinch of sugar into my hot water just for that extra little something ;)
And thanks to all that, here I am again, among the living, ready to observe the appearances and disapearance of vehicles of different colours in the streets.