The way to China (and back?) - by Elina

Friday, August 04, 2006

Village People

I know that out there somewhere is that busy metropolis of Beijing that people so often think about when this city is talked of. Out there are the skyscrapers and busy subway stations and millions of people stuck in noisy, endless traffic jams.

But here, in my little hutong village, it all seems so far away. Of course I visit the world of the busy city at times, to go to work or shopping, but most of my time is spent here where there are no tall buildings in sight, and where the rhythm of life seems quite a few paces slower.

There is something that the people living in the hutong alleys seems to be experts at: taking it easy -- just enjoying their days and watching the world pass by. Don't get me wrong, many people work long hours, but they do it in a way, which allows them to enjoy the days as well. A little laughter here, a few minutes to chat to a passing friend, a good nap after lunch on the bench. And of course, the older people mostly spend their time just sitting in the alleys on little stools, playing mahjong, doing exercises and streching, chatting with each other, and simply observing the world as it goes on around them.

This is something I wish to learn from living here: getting rid of the stress that we have learned to place on ourselves, to just take every day as it comes and to take time to just sit and watch, read a book, talk to a neighbour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all sounds very well and good but you get sucked by working life.

I am working with Chinese factories and I can tell you that the people I deal with do not seem to take much break and little nap... it is true there is a choice, well is it a choice?
This sounds horrible but money often drives our lives even if we do not want it. if you are getting good job,you are expected to give which sounds pretty fair and then you are sucked. Ask these people playing mahjong if they would work 55 hours a week but get triple their current salary! We are what we are and somehow I doubt that yourself would wish to live the way they do in their conditions. particularly seeing that you often try to find little jobs to get a bit more money.
it is important to stay open and free but not that straightforward.

3:18 pm

Blogger Elina & Eric said...

Very true. All over the world many people are driven by money, and possibly even more so in China than in other countries.

And oh yes, I'm sure most of the mahjong players would jump up and run for an opportunity to make lots more money.

But as it is that they are here, with time on their hands, I truly enjoy the sense of not being in a hurry, of taking each moment as it comes, whether it's working or sleeping.

So, what I am trying to communicate here is not an analysis of the current social situation, but a feeling, an athmosphere that you enter when you walk through the hutongs.

Without knowing what the situation of each of these people is, I feel I can learn something from the way they are facing their life *right now*.

I am glad I don't have to go visit the China of factories and offices too often.

After all, there are enough things that make me feel completely stressed and rotten, why not just look at the good things sometimes?

4:08 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true. All over the world many people are driven by money, and possibly even more so in China than in other countries.

And oh yes, I'm sure most of the mahjong players would jump up and run for an opportunity to make lots more money.

But as it is that they are here, with time on their hands, I truly enjoy the sense of not being in a hurry, of taking each moment as it comes, whether it's working or sleeping.

So, what I am trying to communicate here is not an analysis of the current social situation, but a feeling, an athmosphere that you enter when you walk through the hutongs.

Without knowing what the situation of each of these people is, I feel I can learn something from the way they are facing their life *right now*.

I am glad I don't have to go visit the China of factories and offices too often.

After all, there are enough things that make me feel completely stressed and rotten, why not just look at the good things sometimes?

4:09 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people playing majong would probably still say "No" because they're old Beijingers and have comfy jobs already. The real "go-getters" in China are the young migrants!

BTW, their "bit [of] money" can be a substantial sum relatively speaking. You know for a bonus of RMB50 for a few extra late shifts at the local factory can mean 2 weeks worth of "eating out"! But in the expat's case ... another pint please?

9:45 am

Blogger Elina & Eric said...

ha, yes! relativity!

10:23 am

Blogger ابو السيد said...

السلامه عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نحن فى شركة الكمال نقوم بافضل واقوى المبيدات العالميه الموجودة

التى تقضى على جميع الحشرات الطائره والزاحفة وابادة الحشرات
شركةمكافحة حشرات بالطائف
شركة مكافحةحشرات بجازان
شركة مكافحة حشراتبحائل
والسلامة عليكم وحمة الله وبركاته

8:44 pm

Blogger lamiss ibrahim said...

I definitely love this site.

6:40 am


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