The way to China (and back?) - by Elina

Monday, February 23, 2004

On days like today my students keep making me smile and make me realise how lucky I am to be living here, and how privileged I am to be spending my time with people like them and actually getting paid for it! Before going to class this afternoon, I was not feeling all that motivated, and thought I'd just have to stay awake for the next three hours and keep the discussion in class up somehow. But my PhDs woke me up from my coma very quickly by making me laugh and argue with them, and the three hours seemed to just fly by. After class, I headed out to the sports field with Jenna and Bruce (or Zhao Zhihui and Liuqing Liang) to fly a kite. Bruce protested at first by saying that we were too old to do that, but Jenna insisted and in the end it wasn't too diccifult to get even him to come along. So there we were, running around giggling and screaming like little kids, trying to keep the little orange butterly from miserably crashing to the ground, and I just couldn't help doing my worst Mary Poppins imitation of "Let's go fly a kite". These are the little moments I will miss when I'll eventually leave Baoding...


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