The way to China (and back?) - by Elina

Monday, June 12, 2006

Watching Football with the Gods

Living with an Italian, the football frenzy of the World Cup is impossible to avoid. That means that a month-long TV marathon has now begun, making our extremely uncomfortable straight-backed wooden sofa my second home for a bit.

Unfortunately, living on a different continent than where the games are organised, the matches are all on in the middle of the night our time. This means I have spent the past couple of days trying to desperately convince my body to stay awake during the night and get its rest through daytime naps. So far I haven't been that successful, physically I now feel like I have been binge-drinking for a week without proper food or sleep. In reality, I have been on a diet of green tea, salads and fruits. Silly body still complaining...

But tonight starts the serious competition, the first match of Italy kicks off at 3 a.m. our time. Getting ready by filling the fridge up with fruit beer and the kitchen cupboards with snacks.

Speaking of that, I'm continuing the series of snack pictures with this one. I wonder how this brand name would go down with Western consumers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor girl I must say that you do look a bit tired on your picture, shame. Not sure the fruit and green tea diet is that suitable, your hairdresser might be right, may be you should think of more consistant diet

11:55 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor girl I must say that you do look a bit tired on your picture, shame. Not sure the fruit and green tea diet is that suitable, your hairdresser might be right, may be you should think of more consistant diet

12:12 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Italian as well so I understand and i will wath tonight but i am puzzled, why are you watching too, are you as well such a fan.
Just a tip, the best way is to call his italian friends (surely he has plenty) and they can watch together. You can then go to bed, only if he goes to his friend,s place though! An other tip, green tea and fruits,...are you putting him on a diet or is it deadly punishment? watching football???? Pizzas i am afraid is the ony way even in China!

12:54 am

Blogger Elina & Eric said...

Unfortunately we are living in such a small town that the nearest decent pizza is hundreds of km away!! Can you imagine an existence like that?!?!

But no worries, the tea & fruit was just for me, he is sticking to a more proper footbally beer/crisps diet ;) And I'm venturing into it, as well...

And again, being in such a small place, no Italian friends around, except for one who is already coming over to our place with her non-Italian boyfriend. So, this is where the party will be.

And the truth is, I'll watch it happily anyway. It's all about sharing, eh ;) I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun.

So enjoy your pizza (though I am slightly greenish of envy), have some for me too and let's hear it for Italy!! :D

1:04 am


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